Work Experience

Full-Stack Developer


01/2019 - Present
  • I built apps to query API data from Health kit, Fitbit, Garmin and Polar devices.
  • Worked on Project documentation for server and mobile interfaces

Software Engineer

Eastern Edge Robotics

09/2018 - Present

Eastern Edge Robotics is an extracurricular club at Memorial University. We build underwater ROVs to compete at the international MATE ROV competition.

  • I created an algorithm to send and receive thruster signals from a maestro board
  • I built PID algorithms to autonomously stabilize the ROV(using an IMU).
  • I built an algorithm to hold the depth of the ROV during flight; also based on PID and using depth sensors

Computing Support Assistant

Memorial University

01/2019 - Present
  • Assist students, guests, and faculty to navigate technologies and software present at the library.
  • Keep computers, printers, scanners ... up to date
  • Design posters, create/edit videos for use at the library.


Computer Science, BSc

Memorial University of Newfoundland

09/2018 - 09/2022

High School

Castlebrooke High School

09/2014 - 06/2018

Online Courses

Udemy, Youtube, Google, StackOverflow

09/2014 - Infinity

Skills, Tools, Frameworks

  • React JS, Vue JS
  • Node JS, Flask, Swing
  • PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firestore
  • Firebase, Google Cloud Platform, Heroku, Git
  • C, C++, Java, JS, Python, HTML, CSS


  • English 
  • Twi (native language) 
  • German (still learning)